Thursday, March 29, 2012

Left Paradise

So many changes since I last posted. I have left paradise. In December of 2010 I was offered a new job and promotion but I would have to leave paradise. Things had changed, friends had moved on and a great opportunity offered so I said good-bye (for now) and went on another adventure this time to the great state of Oklahoma. I would be working for the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Contracting Division as a Administrative Officer.

2011 was a busy year. So in January I packed my Bags and off I went. It had been almost 20 years since I had been to Oklahoma but never to Tulsa. Here was a wonderful opportunity career wise and also to get the family all in one spot. Career is doing great still working on getting the family all in one spot. Oldest daughter made the move with me and will be starting college in the fall. I bought a double-wide mobile home with 4 acres of land so I at least got to have my horses, cats and dogs. In October we lost my mother-in-law, friend, and second Mom unexpectantly to a heart attack. It was a struggle to end the year.

As for 2012 I am excited about all the possibilities. I will be starting a new job here with the Corps in another week. I will be moving across the hall to the RM shop as a Program Analyst. I am looking forward to this experience with a group of wonderful folks. Youngest daughter will be graduating from HS in May and then off to college. I will try to do better about keeping the blog updated. Just enjoying life and trying to remember to live, love, and laugh!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Visit with Roberta

I was able to take a Hop a couple of weeks ago to Hawaii to visit
with my friend Roberta who I met at Kwaj but has since found
an great job at Fort Huachuca, AZ. She was there visiting her
boy-friend and of course I didn't want to miss the opportunity
to check out some of the local hang-outs. We went shopping and
Geo-Cacheing... which is where you take coordinates and try to find the hidden treasure. We found all of them and we were out we found this lovely Tiki Bar and took a break from the sun. Of course I was there for 5 days and it was the only day it didn't rain. Had a great time! Catch you on the next go around.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beth's Birthday

Here is Beth with a Marshallese Headress which is a traditional headpiece for the Birthday girl. Nina's Mom made it for her though her Mom is Samoan but has family that is from the Marshall Islands. It was very pretty with a wonderful smell. Beth I think got the best present a parent can give a child. To have her birthday at the beach in an exotic location. The party was fun and all her best buds came and celebrated with her. There was pizza, chips, sodas, and a cupcake birthday cake (Nina's Mom again. Thanks Mrs. Sakaio I owe you!!). Presents were had and everyone got to swim (Not me I don't swim in seawater in the dark where I can't see whats in the water with me: flash back to Jaws) a version of "truth or consequences" where they each made a statement and if you had not done it then you had to drink a glass of coke. By the end a case of coke was drunk and there were a few souls who had to walk away with an upset stomach but still that did not seem to deter the rest. Beth got some money, a t-shirt signed by all her friends, a clock radio/MP3 Player, and a new camera (camera is on its way: Dad had to try it out at the Monster Truck Pull first).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Girls Winter Formal

Well the opportunity to dress up has come and gone but I will not forget nor will the girls forget their 1st Winter Formal. Alyssa was part of the decorating committee and left early to go get the place all decorated...unfortunately about the time they got it done a torrential downpour came and since it was being held at an outdoor pavilion pretty much destroyed. They made some calls and got permission to move the dance to the High School. They had to be creative with the decorating since one they didn't have enough decorations to decorate a big room and half of what they had was a little rough for wear cause of the storm. The rain set in for the day so lucky one of the parents had rented a van to take his daughter (Nina) so he agreed to pick-up all the girls getting ready for the formal at our place. They turned out to be just beautiful and I wish their Dad and Granny's could have been here to see them. Hey having five teenage girls getting ready on time is a major feat...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Ball

I went to the Military Winter Formal Ball on the 26 Jan 09. It was held at the Golf Course Country Club under a covered outdoor pavillion ocean-side. It was a beautiful set up if a little warm for formal attire but fun was had by all attendee's. The girl's also had a Winter Formal Ball on 1 Feb 09. It was suppose to be held at the Yacht Club outdoor pavillion however the weather was not cooperative at all and they had to move it to the High School Auditorium. Rain and a outdoor formal not a good mix. I am sure they will have fun...anyway. There are suppose to be like 4 or 5 other girls coming over to change at my house. I'm gonna have fun or what! :-)

Helping Sick Turtle

I was asked if I would be interested in helping the Vet Tech. Seems we have a sick sea turtle and she needed help getting her in and out of the pond (They have 3 in a Memorial Park & Pond). I said sure and was told I needed two other folks to come and help lift the turtle out of the pond. So I volunteered me and my two daughters to meet them at noon on Sunday. We got out there and they said it was easy to tell which turtle was sick cause she floats at the top and doesn't submerge. This is a picture of her.Add Image It ended up being me, Alyssa and Nina as Beth wasn't feeling good and she had a babysitting job later so she stayed home. We got in the pond and had to physically lift her over the side of the pond so that the Vet Tech could give her an IV and some antibiotics. We helped with that then lifted her back into the pond. They still don't know what is the matter with her but we are keeping fingers crossed that this will fix it and she will get better.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Our 1st Christmas in Kwajalein. The girls made out all right. Dwayne called and we opened presents while he was on the phone with us. It was really hard on him not to be here with us. He is normally a Christmas Freak. Loves Christmas and decorating but with us being gone he didn't get into the mood at all. It is kinda weird I normally don't get into Christmas but I let the girls go whole hog with the Christmas decorating I even did my office. Amazingly, I even won a $20 gift certificate for the best decorated office. We had decided early on that we wouldn't get a bunch of stuff for Christmas and would wait till we come back for the summer to celebrate all the holidays we missed. Dwayne sent the girls a $100 gift card each and an ITunes card, they got hoodies from all the animals, and I got them a shorts outfit which unfortunately will have to go back since the shorts are to small. Hopefully they have the next size up. :-) I made a honey ham, mac n'cheese, green beans & rolls. It turned out OK. Alyssa even got into the spirit and made an apple pie. It rained all day so we didn't get out of the house but it has turned off pretty today so we will go to the beach and lay out. Dwayne took his Mom to his brothers house for Christmas dinner. They said they had a good time. They had steak & shrimp which Dwayne said was OK cause it didn't really feel like Christmas without the girls. Well hope you all had a safe and merry Christmas no matter where you are.